
Saturday, October 22, 2011

This Week in Science #3

   This week in science I did half a page about what we need to know about the the plant investigation. I did a hypothesis work sheet tape in. I did a procedure about how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Had to it twice because the first time i notice that it didn't turn out right and did the other one in more detail. And write a procedure for gathering data. Finally i had a mission to do and had to do a graph.
    This week in science i learned what  is a independent and a dependent variable. And i learned how to write a hypothesis. Also with a question or testable question i can turn it into a hypothesis using the if...,then..., and because... format. I can turn a hypothesis in to a question. And that when you going to write a procedure it's very important to write it in detail. Because you want some one else to do what you did.

Friday, October 14, 2011

this week in science #2

    This week I started out by writing my own testable question and that means a question that can be answered using observation.I was introduce to poppers and of course they make a pop sound.I had to write about a plant called BrassicaRapa based on the plant i did a t chart and wrote facts i learned and
what am wondering and do a summary.Then after that we planted the brassica rapa based on the testable question we picked as a group.
     What I learned this week is what was a testable question is. The poppers come in different color,sizes, some go higher than others. I learned about variables(what you an change) and dependent variables(things you can measure. I learned that the brassica rapa does his life cycle in 14 days.