
Saturday, November 5, 2011

This Week In Science #4

  This week in science we as a class started to pick who was going to do what job in the plant investigation. And when was the job going to be done like in block 1 or in block 2. My job was the results and i had to to make a date table and a graph showing the growth of the plant based on the amount of soil i put in each cup. Also I was not done the first day or in block 1 so in block 2 I showed what I had done to David the he fixed it up.
  This week in science i learned important things like making data tables and graphing things faster and easier. Also i learned that is important to keep in mind what as been teached. One them is like the hypothisis. And i learned that in order to get a job done every boby in the group have to get a job because if not is never going to be done.