
Friday, June 1, 2012

TWIS #15 Milestone

            Myself and my group couldn't talk for this finial  marshmallow challenge. So we started to think about what we were going to do before the challenge started. we came up with a good and easy idea and it was to write down our thoughts. Not talking was the hardest part and wasting time was the easiest part. When we finish getting the spaghetti tall enough we put the marshmallow on top. And when we did that it was hard to keep it up standing straight. So we put long pieces of tap around it to keep it up. But at the end we mange to finish with the tallest sculpture and a marshmallow on top of it. 

the last marshmallow challenge.

            I learned a lot over these missions challenge it was also a good a good experience. My team name is team awesome and the first time we did really bad ending up as the losing team, the second time my team ended up with the tallest sculpture doing awesome, and then the last one we won but we did it a little less than the second time. As you can see the picture below this is the whole group working and thinking together trying to keep it up. I think that working with the same group members again was a little better only because we knew each other more. I feel that it depends on what kind of group work is being done in oder for me to say I like working in groups.      

team awesome working 

this is the results of all three mission challenge of all the groups in cohort 5.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

'Marine Digital Food Chain'


Friday, May 11, 2012

this week in science #13

if we were to leave these spider habitat tanks sealed but removed all of the plants, what would happen? And why? 
If i was to leave the spider in the tank without any plants I think that the spider will die. Because the spiders don't have oxygen.

Monday, May 7, 2012

this week in science #12

     This week in science I different things. I did things like create a spider observation log. In the log am suppose to write down what I notice in the tank, like what is changing. I looked and read on symbiotic relationships. I drew an example of each relationship on different pages in the spider observation log. Before my group had one spider which is the biggest one and then we put in a little one. Both spiders in the tank were feed, they were feed fruit flies.

        This week in science I learned that the spider observation log is very helpful for many things. And one of the things is for writing this post. Also that by reading back on what you write in the spider observation log you can make some changes to the changing things. I learned the difference between symbiotic relationships. There's three relationships, Mutualism(+/+) is when both organisms benefit from the association, Commensalism(+/0) is when one is being benefited and the other is not affected, Parasitism(-/+) the parasitism benefits at the expense of the host. I learned that the spiders don't in front of us.

Friday, April 20, 2012

This week in science #11

    This week in science , I wrote on sticky posters about the ecosystem. I wrote about everything for each ecosystem. The group I'm in all drew on a piece of paper on how the spider tank is going to look like and how is going to be setup. My group and my self went outside to a park called Seward Park. One thing Kaitlin did is to create a annotated Google doc.

     This week in science I learned , that there's different parts to the ecosystem. The ecosystem is important to many things. We can see somethings going on and some are are not so visible. Is very hard to do something never done before. Is a lot to think about when setting up a tank when you don't nothing about the spider. You need the right tools to get what you need.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

This Week In Science #10

      In these few past weeks I did things like researching, going out, asking questions, drawing, things like that. First we did things in class about all of our topics, Waste, Energy, Water, and Transportation. For Waste we did a compost as a class. For Water we tested different water from different places. For Energy we plugged in different things like blow dryers to see how much energy it takes up. Then did some research on a topic and my group topic is Waste. The Human Impact Institute was there and helped us to come up with ideas. My group and I gathered all the information and made some questions out of them. Also all the other groups did the same thing. So with all the questions in, my teacher David narrowed it down and put it on a piece. The class took that piece of paper and went out into the community and asked the different people the questions and recorded their answers. The next time The Human Impact Institute came we stared to draw, draw about the idea that the group picked together. And finally The Human Impact Institute came with others to also help to come up the best picture.
       I learned that the worms you need for a compost is red wrigglers. Red wrigglers are like vegans. You need a certain amount of soil, water, and food. My school water has chlorine added to it. Learned how to test water in different ways. And the fish tank in my science class has bacteria in it. We check how much energy things take up. Learned that watts measure energy. That's how we get our energy bills. I learned the difference between action and awareness campaigns. Going out to the community was fun. But there was people who didn't speak English so we couldn't ask them questions. Also people didn't have time to stop or they just kept walking.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Human Impact ad Campaign

    This picture shows food items. Food items like a gallon of milk, large container of water , veggie, and even fish. So whats going on is that all of these food items have something wrong with them. They are all contaminated with something.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

On Our Radar: Alien Plants in Antaratica

       This article is about how the plants in Antaratica are coming about and what researchers think is going on. The main point is that as the climate warms the alien plants and tiny animals in Aantaratica are likely to spread. This article has no picture to look at but it does has statistics. In the article you will read that there's a group, a agency, Scientists and Researchers, and even Bloomberg Businessweek talking. I think that is that some people have an idea why is happing.
         I think that this article should be read because if is going to be spreading people should know what is spreading. I also read that the clothes and boots of scientists and tourists visiting the continent, they found that most were carrying nonnative plant seeds. That right there make me ask a lot questions. But what am wondering is why the tourists are carrying plant seeds.
"alien plant" not the one spoken about

Monday, March 5, 2012

Plastic Breaks Down in Ocean, After All -- And Fast

         The article I picked and read is important, and I feel that this is the type of article people should read more. This article is about how the toxic chemicals are harmful to the animals and the people of course. I think that the main thing is that some plastics actually decompose rapidly in the ocean. And, the researchers say, that's not a good thing. This article uses some statistics but also have opinions from scientists, researchers, journal, and magazine. The author argued that, I think  people should stop making trash ending up in the ocean because animals and peoples health are at ricks.
plastic mixed with sand
Dead bird with all types of plastic in side
          I think that this article is good beause one it talks about the toxic chemical bisphenol A which is in hard plastic. Which about 44% of all seabirds are eating  plastic and 267 marine species are affected by garbage, and and animals are known to swallow plastic bages. I liked this article because I think this is the information more and more people should read about. And maybe it will make a impact.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

This week in science #9

    This week in science, first I had to do some background research on all four of the animals. I did it on the Perch, Skate, Frog, Mouse out of those my group pick the Mouse and the frog. After this part I named some parts of its body. The side view, The Dorsal view, the Ventral view, anything external. Then I had to learn how to do the frog dissection, it was a guide I read from to do the dissection.

This week in science I learned a little about each animal. Again me and my partners dissection animal was the frog. The first time I look at it I found out that it's a male. Learn some of the body parts and labeled them. Also at the end the frog was dissected and had pictures took. I learned that you can't do nothing with leaning something first.

     Compare and Contrast, My other two group members had to dissect a mouse and me and my partner did a frog. As you can see two different organisms. I know that the mouse lives on land and the frog can live in both water and land. Both of them has stomachs, livers, hearts, intestines, naming some. The frog has a greenish skin with spots to blend in it's environment. The mouse has hair and the frog doesn't. And the frog back legs are long and the mouse back legs are not.

Friday, February 3, 2012

this week in science #8

side view          
Dorsal view
      This week in science I did a work sheet that had different words, science words. With the words I use them to find it on the cricket. The Dorsal view is the picture above this. The Ventral view is the bottom part of the cricket, you can see a little of it on the side view picture. The Anterior is the head of the cricket and is called the vertex. The Distal on the cricket is its tarsal claws because is the furthest away and its Proximal is the hind leg cause is closer to the body. The female Acheta Posterior is the ovipositor of the cricket. The cricket is found in and around houses, other buildings, and in garbage dumps.
     This week in science I learned words like Ventral, Proximal, Distal, Anterior, and Posterior. I hope that I can remember them for a long time. I had a aha moment when I heard the word Dorsal because I know that a sharks Dorsal fin is on its back so that gave me a clue to what Dorsal mean.  

Monday, January 23, 2012

This week in science #7


      This week in science I did some parts of this project like the tittle page. The things I did are the tittle slide, the location slide, the animal slide I did is the Keel-Billed Toucan, that's my slide also, the fantasy animal I did is called the Sharp-speedo, and that's my slide also. I think that is very good but the group voices need to improve. I worded very hard on or the whole group worked very hard on it. and am proud of it.
      This week in science I learned a lot. I learned different things like making a presentation. I also learned how to use a wed site to record our voices for the presentation.